Registration Closed
May 27th, 2024
Pitch @ 9am, Party @ 7pm
Bitcoin innovation culture has been reawakened and it's time to build for the world’s largest, most liquid crypto economy. Submit your best ideas for new Bitcoin apps, products, and services and then party with the community. If you emerge victorious, get ready to take the spotlight once more as you present at the official NFC main stage on May 29th!
This is gonna be fun
Bitcoin Layers Lisbon
May 27th at Palácio de Tancos
Pitch starting at 9am
Party starting at 7pm

What's on Offer...
Pitch on Stage at NFC
Feeling lucky? Top pitches will present at the Non-Fungible Conference (NFC) main stage on May 29th!
$2,500 STX Prize Pool
Dive into the excitement of the competition with our STX prize pool. Stay tuned for more details on the prize amounts, coming soon!
Exclusive Opportunities

Automatic interviews with BTC StartupLab and 1:1 advice from Special Mentors at the Bitcoin Frontier Fund!

Collectibles & More
Win collectibles from your favourite Bitcoin projects, along with tickets to NFC and Bitcoin Unleashed 2024!

Deciding your fate will be...

Where you need to be when
Pitch Competition
MAY 27
10:15 AM - Builders breakfast
10:45 AM - Introduction
11:00 AM - Workshops
12:45 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Heads down
5:30 PM - Pitches

Ordinals Lisbon Takeover
07:00 PM - Pool Party!

What's in store
Building on Bitcoin
Building on Bitcoin

A non-technical workshop led by Mark Hendrickson, General Manager of Leather, to understand the nuances and possibilities of launching products on Bitcoin using Layers. In this workshop, we’ll explain how to scale Bitcoin with smart contracts and decentralized applications.
Validating Your Idea
Validating Your Idea

Ideas often sound good in theory, but how can you ensure they last? Mark McKenzie, Co-Founder of Spark, will show you how to validate a market for your idea and build for it to ensure repeat customers. We'll cover customer segmentation, business models, and market sizing.
Perfecting Your Pitch
Perfecting Your Pitch

Get ready to ace your pitch! This workshop covers everything from basics to advanced elements, ensuring you're confident and prepared for your pitch! Louise Ivan, Co-Founder of Ryder (ex Growth Lead at the Stacks Foundation), will equip you to captivate investors and turn your vision into reality.

These People Are Here to Help

These people paid for the party

These People Made it Happen
What you really came for
Palácio de Tancos
May 27, Monday
19:00PM - 12:00AM
Once the sun sets, we'll be joined by our Ordinal friends for the ultimate pool party. Claim your ticket below!

Please, no dumb questions
Ok, so what is a Bitcoin Layer 2 Pitch Competition?
This is an event where developers and innovators come together to build and showcase projects that leverage the Bitcoin Layer 2, Stacks blockchain.

Who can participate?
The pitch competition is open to developers, designers, builders, and anyone interested in creating Layer 2 solutions for Bitcoin using Stacks.

While teams are not required, teams are allowed to form during the event or before the event, as well as participating individually.

While it definitely doesn’t hurt to have prior experience, it's not at all required. This competition encourages beginners to participate and will offer resources and mentors on ground to help you learn and build throughout the event.
Where should I submit my entry?
Right here!
What are Layer 2 Solutions for Bitcoin?
Layer 2 (L2) solutions are secondary protocols or networks built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain to improve scalability, speed, and reduce transaction fees. While there are a few Bitcoin L2s out there, this competition will focus on the Bitcoin L2 Stacks.

Clarity is the smart contract language used for Bitcoin L2 Stacks. Clarity brings smart contracts to Bitcoin. It is a decidable language, so you can know, with certainty, from the code itself what the program will do.
Build. Bitcoin. Repeat.